Riga (리가) – 2014년 유럽문화도시

Riga (리가) 라트비아의수도, 2014년에유럽문화수도

리가는 라트비아 (Latvia) 국의수도이다. 인구약 70만명으로이나라최대의도시이며라트비아국민의 3분의 1 이상이여기에거주한다. 리가는또한발틱3국 (Baltic states)애서도최대의도시이다. 이도시는리가만 (Gulf of Riga)에위치한다..  2014년에는 [유럽문화수도] (European Capital of Culture)로 년 중 다양한 문화행사가 거행된다. 

        ©Song Ziyul – 독일 태생의 R. Wagner가 활약한 아름다운 오페라하우스

World Choir Games

Riga will host the bi-annual 2014 World Choir Games from 9–19 July 2014 that coincides with the city being named European Capital of Culture for 2014.The event, organised by the choral foundation, Interkultur, takes place at various host cities every two years and was originally known as the «Choir Olympics». The event regularly sees over 15’000 choristers in over 300 choirs from over 60 nations compete for gold, silver and bronze medals in over 20 categories. The competition is further divided into a Champions Competition and an Open Competition to allow choirs from all backgrounds to enter. Choral workshops and festivals are also witnessed in the host cities and are usually open to the public.  / http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riga  (Google에서 인용)

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발틱해  /  www.eurasiatour.info/index.php/europe/363-baltic-sea

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작성자: 송지열 (Ziyul Song) / zsong@bluewin.ch /  www.eurasiatour.info

Facebook (Ziyul Song) / www.facebook.com/ziyul.song


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